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Things customers and colleagues say
“Ik heb 2 van je online seminars gevolgd. Ik werk meer dan 20 jaar in de IT sector en zelden zag ik een presentatie die zo inspirerend, motiverend en informatief was. Super bedankt!”
(Hoofd IT van de European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer)

I first got in touch with Hans in order to boost the sales of insurance services in one of my partners retail stores network. Hans coached sales people and managed to change their attitude and selling method. Results surpassed expectations by a fat margin, and we have repeated this training (for the third year running) with excellent results so far. I highly recommend Hans’ approach towards motivating people and getting the best of each and every person he undertakes to train & motivate. (Crédit Agricole)
Hans is one of the most professional and devoted persons I’ve had the chance to meet in my career. Always listening and wisely advising his colleagues, he never gives up and puts a lot of energy in bringing out the best in people. I will never thank him enough for the things I learned while working for him. (HP)
Hans his tagline is Supplier of Optimism. We have met during several coaching sessions and Hans his knowledge combined with his deep enthousiasm makes him the ideal coach to challenge people and their mindsets. His fresh concepts make you to see the world from a different perspective. Highly recommended for organisations who are looking to transform the mindsets of their staff and do things differently… (Sentia)
If Hans himself didn’t exist, someone would have to invent “him”. Till the day now I clearly remember his trainings, and immense amount of advice. He did not only give trainings about work, skills, sales or clients. It was more like a general package of attitude towards life, optimism and obviously work. Probably the first trainer who I met, who had the magic to keep us engaged through endless interactive practices. (Microsoft Inside Sales Team Warsaw, Poland).
Vandaag één van Hans zijn trainingen gevolgd bij KPN, 1 woord, verbazingwekkend!
(KPN Netherlands)
Hans is een inspirator en ondernemer van de nieuwe tijd. Zijn aanpak, visie en intuïtie zijn vernieuwend en universeel inzetbaar in de tijdsgeest. Succesvol ondernemen vandaag, daar heeft hij de juiste mix en houding begrepen. Zijn pragmatisme leidt onmiddellijk tot resultaten… Een lichtpunt en referentie in de juiste houding, visie en aanpak voor een graad van performantie. Let op: optimisme is overdraagbaar… (Beveka)